Kiwanis Legislative Update
Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:20 PM EDT
April 10
12:00pm - 1:30pm
City Market Building
Charter Hall 3rd floor
32 Market Square
No charge
Please RSVP
Come as a guest to the April 10 Kiwanis Club of Roanoke's weekly meeting for our annual legislative update. Local legislators Sen Chris Head (R) and Del Sam Rasoul (D) will give their perspective from both houses of the General Assembly and both sides of the aisle on legislative initiatives important to the Roanoke region and southwest Virginia. Mayor Sherman Lea will introduce the speakers. Networking and complementary buffet lunch opens at 12:00pm, the meeting starts at 12:30pm, the speakers will give their legislative update beginning at 1:00pm, the meeting ends at 1:30pm.